Management policy



At ClimaTech we have the philosophy of achieving the trust of our clients, satisfying their needs in installation and maintenance tasks of HVAC equipment and plumbing projects.

Our work philosophy is oriented towards total quality and consequently customer satisfaction, and that is why at ClimaTech we have decided to go one step further and implement an Integrated Quality and Environment Management system based on UNE-standards. EN-ISO 9001:2008 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004..

To ensure quality, both vis-à-vis third parties and internally, management, together with ClimaTech’s managers and employees, has planned a set of actions and systems that must provide adequate confidence to our customers and which are defined below in our Management Policy

  • Know and satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients, guaranteeing a commitment to meet the requirements established by clients, by current legislation that is applicable to the activities and services developed, the own requirements that our organization subscribes to, as well as compliance with other requirements established by third parties.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of human and technological resources to ensure the quality of the service provided to our clients. We have a highly qualified human team trained in the different fields we develop.
  • Involve our staff, with their contributions in the achievement of Continuous Improvement, and through the improvement of the professional training of our staff through the continuous training program offered.
  • At ClimaTech we have adopted a commitment to pollution prevention and environmental responsibility that we carry out through the implementation of environmental practices to reduce consumption and properly manage waste that may arise, as well as increasing awareness and training in environmental matters. our staff.
  • Continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system, to guarantee our permanent adaptation to the demands of an increasingly competitive market and a constantly evolving environment.

Considering these guidelines, this management reiterates its firmest commitment by joining efforts to achieve these objectives, so this policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of the organization.